Three Ways Stick-On Labels Lower Camp Stress
Whether your camper is attending day camp or sleepaway, there’s no doubt a lot on your to-do list. If we received a dollar for every lost water bottle and towel, we would be quite wealthy by now. We’re guessing you’re in the same situation. Have no fear, here are three ways to utilize stick-on labels to lower your stress. Preparation in parenting is a lovely concept but sometimes a little thing called life gets in the way. If you think you’re late to the camp party, take a deep breath because we have you covered. Kids’ labels are about to change your life if you haven’t already discovered the benefits. Here are three so you can stress less. Imagine that?
1. Avoids lost items ending up in the ever-growing lost and found pile never to be seen again
You just ordered brand new water bottles for your kids for the summer and while you’re well aware they may not make it through, hope is still very much alive. We’ve all taken that permanent marker and claimed our stake to these bottles, but they either wash off (so much for permanent) or can’t be seen. If you’ve ever tried to write on a black water bottle, you know the struggle is real. We don’t know about you, but the perfect silver Sharpie for this job doesn’t conveniently exist in your drawer. How about the black T-shirt without a label because your child cut it out? You get an A for effort but there’s an easier way! Stick N’ Wear labels are easy and we could all use easy as parents, don’t you agree? Clothing, water bottles, shoes, lunch boxes, towels, socks, toiletries, you name it. Hey, you can even put one on your kid. Just kidding!

2. Offers a convenient, easy, and fun way to organize your children’s items.
If your offspring are on the younger side, choosing labels and helping to put them on is a super fun activity and makes them feel helpful and in control. If your kids have a favorite color, sport, or animal they love, they can express themselves with labels. Sometimes too many choices are overwhelming so a few clever options are a perfect balance. We offer just the right amount of choices and make it simple to choose and use.You would be surprised how much the older kids care as well. If orange was their favorite color yesterday, most likely, orange is not in the picture today. Teenagers, right?
3. Teaches them about responsibility and being proactive instead of reactive
Teaching a life lesson with labels is pretty cool, right? Responsibility is one of those lessons and while summer is about having fun, letting loose, and getting a break from the everyday, items cost money and need to be well taken care of. Labels offer a layer of protection because your child, the owner, can easily be matched with the lost item. However, management of our belongings is important, for camp and beyond. Has anyone seen the keys?

Stress less, label more, and enjoy the summer…it’s quickly approaching.
Order your Stick N’ Wear camp labels today.
Camp can be a hard transition, no matter what the age or type of camp. Tell us your camp label stories and comment ⬇️.