Stress Less, Iron More: Three Ways to Save your Sock Sanity
So you're probably wondering how ironing is going to take the stress off instead of adding more to your list and if we're telling you to iron your socks. Well, you'll just have to keep reading. Trust us, it's worth it.Let's start with socks. The struggle with singletons is real folks. What’s a singleton you ask? A lonely sock that cannot find a matching mate. It feels like every week, we add more and more singletons to our stock or rather sock pile. Can you relate? We thought so. Is it that difficult to take your socks off and put them directly in the dirty laundry? Apparently so. If you have a dog, maybe your socks are in your bushes. Perhaps the washing machine monster ate them? Wherever that lonely sock is, one turns into two which turn into 100. The worst is when you buy new socks, especially for your kids and within a few days, one is gone, poof, never to be seen again. That is until you throw out the original one. Don’t you just hate that? What’s the solution? We’re glad you asked. We have three of them.
1. Here comes the iron
Here is the iron part we promised we'd get to. Owning iron-on labels will make your life easier and make lonely socks everywhere happy again. If your kids are heading to camp this summer, socks will be the first thing to go bye-bye. BUT, if they’re labeled properly, reunification is possible. Labeling socks can be challenging. Either you're trying to stick a label on that is uncomfortable and falls off easily, or use a permanent marker that’s not easy to read. Iron-on labels are easy, convenient, and work whether your socks are light or dark.Printed iron-on labels are nice because they already have the information on them, but our blank white iron-on labels are great too, especially if you are using our clothing stamp or a permanent marker on dark socks and clothing. Did we mention our iron-on labels are guaranteed for the life of the garment?

2. It’s time to get organized
A second solution is to have an allocated labeled plastic baggie for each family member’s singletons. After every load, whichever socks are left over and cannot be paired, which is unfortunately quite a few, can be added to that plastic baggie. this is super simple because now all the socks in your house are labeled. When you think you found a match, go right into the family member’s bag and let the romance take over. When you have to dig through everyone’s socks, it’s time-consuming and frustrating. Organization also allows you to figure out who's losing the most socks.
3. Give your socks an expiration date
If you’re holding on to that sock you know is somewhere, yet nowhere to find, at some point, it’s time to let it go. If you don’t you’ll end up as a sock hoarder, surrounded by plastic baggies of singletons running and ruining your life. As a guide, every six months is a good time to reevaluate your stockpile and part ways. If you feel bad about throwing them away and you’re creative, make sock pets. It’s super fun and a great activity for you and the kids to complete. All you do is stuff your sock with whatever you have around the house (we bet you have spare socks), sew on buttons, add some glitter, and pipe cleaners and enjoy your new pet. Or, you can put on a puppet show and include the whole sock gang. Socks also make great dusters, by the way.
Your creativity will knock your socks off. Sorry, we had to go there. Perhaps we should stick to labels.Let's be realistic. Singleton socks will always be a thing if you have kids, but we make it easier to identify the culprit. It’s a good thing non-matching socks is a style these days for the little ones, right?
Order your iron-on labels today!
How do YOU handle singleton sock stress? Comment ⬇️.