What Does Your Label Say About You?
When we think about labels, a few thoughts come to mind. Are we talking about relationships, a person, a group of people, nutritional information on the back of your bag of potato chips, the manufacturer's label inside your shirt, or literally a label with your name on it you put there yourself?
Depending on which label comes to mind, the conversation can take many turns in different directions. Therefore, we choose the last option; a label with your name on it you put there yourself.
Did we disappoint you? Were you ready to share your perspective on labels? By all means, comment ⬇️ because remember, this blog is your community. That said, some conversations can get rather opinionated, so today, the labels we’re focusing on are ones you can be proud of, feel good about, and create yourself without anyone else’s input. These labels are ones you put on yourself. Don’t you wish all labels were like that?
Yes, some folks hate labels and we get why, but here at Label Land, we love them, of course. In our world, they keep people from losing their stuff and help them get organized. Yes, please.
Summertime is here and while your kids are destroying your playroom, it’s a good opportunity to see how much of what you actually possess within the mess. If we don’t say so ourselves, we believe you’ll love our sticky dots, one of many label collections we offer. If your kids fight over their toys and there is a constant battle over who owns the blue truck versus the red one, you need these round sticky friends. You’re welcome in advance. If you prefer to have your child's name on their items, we've got plenty of label options to choose from.

Each kid can be assigned a color…and there’s plenty to go around to avoid a battle. If Billy has green dots and Tommy has red dots, there will no longer be any confusion regarding toys and therefore a happy mommy. Again, you’re welcome in advance. As you’re going through the toy bins, the kids can help you organize everything. Create one pile for donations, one pile for garbage, and one pile for the items you’re keeping. This teaches kids so many lessons:
Sharing toys that are no longer being used is a great way to give back and make another child smile.
Keeping our toys nice, neat, and organized makes them easier to locate and play with.
Throwing out broken toys or those with missing parts will keep everyone safe.
See, labels aren’t so bad after all. Your kids aren't fighting, your playroom is organized, and you just filled up two bags of wonderful toys that will make a family very happy. What’s better than that?Did we mention our sticky dots go way beyond your playroom? We realize kids, even if they’re years apart, may wear similar clothing and socks, making laundry even more difficult for you. Why not assign a color to each family member so there’s never any doubt who owns the batman underwear? Is it Billy, Tommy, or Daddy? Or…could it be Mommy’s? We're not here to judge. You are definitely not defined by a label, but these type of labels will help you stay sane in your house. If that’s not a win, we’re not sure what is.

Tell us how our sticky dots help YOU win the war on parenting and comment ⬇️.